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It can move slightly. I didn't wear my retainers for about a week and a half and by the time I put them back on, they were really uncomfortable.

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Q: How much can a tooth move without a brace in 2 weeks?
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Related questions

Do you have to get a brace replaced if it don't hurt?

Yes, because if you don't have the brace your tooth won't move to where it should be

What is a brace for your tooth?

'Braces' are pieces of metal (called brackets) which are fixed onto your teeth. They are connected by a metal wire running through them. Braces are used by orthodontics and are fixed onto teeth. The brackets and the wire put pressure on the teeth and move them into being in the perfect, straight position, leaving you with perfect straight teeth! every six weeks or so the orthodontist will tighten the wire on the braces (roughly six weeks is how long it takes for teeth to move into their new positions) and this will gradually move the teeth into the correct positon. -

What kind of brace do they use for a post op lateral release knee surgery?

You don't get a brace. You get a tight sock type thing to have for support and circulation but no brace. They won't want you to imobilize your knee, they want you to move it some.

What is a tooth freeze?

You can't move your teeth

Can you move out at 17 if you have a child and are about to be 18 in a couple weeks?

In what state do you reside? Unless your family hounds the authorities, you can move out without repercussions; law enforcement has other priorities.

What is the purpose of a neck brace?

There are several purposes for using a neck brace. A neck brace helps stabilize and imobilize someone from being able to move their neck. It helps protect a person from further injuring their neck.

If you can move your tooth with your tougue does this mean it is going to fall out?

If it is a baby tooth, then most likely. If it is a permanent tooth you should see your dentist right away.

Will your overlapping adult tooth move down when you lose you baby tooth?

Nope...mine didn't and now i'm stuck with a huge gap

Can an infection in the tooth move to other areas of the mouth?

Can infected tooth can infect nearby teeth and cause pain to shoot to other parts of your mouth.

Can you fill the baby move at five weeks?


How long do you have to clean your naval piercing?

Clean it for about three weeks or until all the gunk goes away. When you can move it without it hurting then you are ready to stop. Good Luck!

At what month does a baby move?

after 20-21 weeks