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Just a couple cups of coffee.

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Q: How much caffiene is too much?
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Related questions

Why is soda bad for people?

it is bad because it has caffiene, sugar, and artificial flavoring.

What does to much caffeine do to the heart?

Too much caffeine may cause you to have what is refered to as "premature atrial contractions" this refers to the heart is having an occsional extra beat. A "heart attack" from too much caffeine is very slim

How can one be chocoholic?

If you eat too much chocolate you can get very dangerous diabities! Kids should not eat too much chocolate because it has alot of caffiene in it and its not good for kids because you can get hyper. I am just warning all kids to stay away from chocolate it has too much sugar and you could get cancer.

How much caffeine is too much?

It depends on body weight and sensitivity to caffeine but 500 to 600 milligrams of caffiene per day, or about 5 to 6 cups of coffee can cause unwanted side effects.

How much caffiene is in Gevalia coffee?

There is a lot of caffiene in Gevalia coffee. It is about 300mg, which is almost your total daily initake of caffeine. Pregnant woman should avoid this product.

Does 7up have caffiene?

No, All types of 7Up do not have caffiene.

What is better pepsi or coke a cola?

I like coca cola if its suga free and caffiene free other wise none sorry.....

Can a plant grow with only soil and redbull?

yes, but only if its diet redbull or the new kind, because normal redbull has too much caffiene in ti and the plant will grow too much and take over the world, and possibly eat u and cause the end of all humanity

What are some drugs grown from earth?

marijuana, magic mushrooms, salvia, caffiene, cocaine, there are too many to list really.

Why can't you stop rocking?

Do you mean when you shake your leg or arm or something and it feels weird to stop? It's because of your nerves. Don't drink too much caffiene if it makes you like this. Calm yourself down.

Does tequila have caffiene in it?


Why do roaches not like coffee?

Most likely the caffiene. Its not that they don't like it, its that the % of caffiene is toxic to their immune system.