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£10,000 if you buy 40 cigarettes A week

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Rs 200

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Q: How much are people spending each year on cigarettes in the UK?
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Related questions

How much cigarettes does each pack have?


How much money does Canada spend to buy cigarettes for people?

Canada does not buy cigarettes for people. The Canadian government recognizes that it is better for Canadians to refrain from smoking cigarettes.

How much money on average is wasted by smokers each year buying cigarettes?

people should stop smoking it kills and poullts homes of animals

On average how much do people spend on cigarettes in a month?

It costs about 14 dollars for one packet of cigarettes in Australia,in one week they would be spending around 100 dollars a week (14 x 7), in a month about 440 (98 x 4.5) dollars, in a year you would be spending about 5280 dollars. You could use that money to buy a car!

How many people are killed by cigerets each year?

Cigarettes are contributory factors in some deaths, no one can say exactly by how much. People can smoke all their lives and not become ill.

How much are cigarettes in Alaska?

How much are cigarettes in alask

What kills you faster smoking weed or smoking cigarettes?

Generally speaking, smoking tobacco cigarettes will kill you faster. Although much controvery still surrounds the safety of smoking tobacco cigarettes vs marijuana, people who smoke tobacco cigarettes generally smoke ALOT more than people who smoke marijuana (few people smoke 20 joints or bowls a day, but MANY people smoke 20 cigarettes a day). This factor alone makes smoking tobacco cigarettes MUCH more hazardous than smoking marijuana.

How are cigarettes worse then marijuana?

weed gets you stoned cigarettes dont get you high cigarettes suck! also if you smoke marijuana with a bong or a vapo its much healther; (most people for get that when compairing the two.)

How much money would you spend yearly if you smoke a pack of cigarettes each day for a year?


How much are wave cigarettes at circle k?

How much are wave's cigarettes

How can one calculate the government spending multiplier?

The government spending multiplier can be calculated by dividing the change in real GDP by the change in government spending. This helps determine how much the economy will grow for each additional dollar of government spending.

What can a bunch of teens do that's fun without spending any money or leaving the house?

making fun of each other and laugh as much as you can believe me its so much fun.make fun of people on t.v