CNA in California most likely about $18.00 an hour to $20.00 plus if a hospitals. Convalescent or Rehab $14.00 plus an hour.
And it's not a easy job CNA is really a hard job cause they are frontlines in a healthcare business.
If ur already a cna you should (already) know you should be earning $90.00 per shift (minimum) cna's are pd. by shift. (I'm speaking about Southern California) Depending on whether you work in an hospital or nursing home. I know nursing homes which may pay as much as $16-18 an hour
I have been doing private duty in Connecticut 16.50 per hour. I applied at a agency, I have 2 years expirence and have been offered 11.50. I was shocked....
My sister is actually a CNA and she makes about $17 starting.
about 10-12 hour
The pay scale is about $12 an hour.
Independence University offers CNA certification online. It is not free.
depends on where and when you work ranges from $8-15
how much do cna class cost i wan"t not how much is the cost
how much do cna's make in wisconsin
how much does a cna make in Madisonville kentucky
How much a cna makes a hour in memphis tn
i just lost my job & considering becoming a cna. how much does a cna in Michigan start off at hourly & how long to get certified??