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Q: How much amount of mercury harmful in your body?
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Is pollution harmful to the environment?

Pollution is an abnormal amount of a material in the environment - too much of a contaminant. In the same way too much of a contaminant in your body - caffeine, alcohol, salt, Mercury - can effect your body's operation. Pollution can effect the complex interactions of the parts of an ecosystem.

How much harmful Cigarette is for health?

it is very harmful or harmful depending on your body

How much mercury is mined a year?

Approximately 2,000 metric tons of mercury are mined globally each year. Mercury mining is restricted in many countries due to its harmful environmental and health impacts.

Can mercury be used as poison and how?

Yes, mercury can be used as a poison. Mercury poisoning can occur through ingestion, inhalation, or skin contact with mercury compounds. It can cause severe damage to the nervous system and kidneys, as well as other harmful effects on the body.

How much Mercury was in Sir Isaac Newton?

There is no exact number for the amount of mercury that poisoned Sir Isaac Newton, but it is estimated that he had 15 times the normal level in his body. He also was exposed to high levels of lead.

Is the liquid in the thermometer harmful?

Most modern thermometers contain non-toxic liquids like alcohol or mercury-free alternatives. However, if a mercury thermometer breaks, it can release harmful vapors that should be cleaned up carefully. Check the specific type of liquid in your thermometer to determine if it is harmful.

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Is mercury harmful for humans?

Yes, mercury is harmful to humans. It can cause a variety of health issues when ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin, including damage to the nervous system, kidneys, and lungs. It is important to limit exposure to mercury to prevent adverse health effects.

Is bleach harmful to your body?

Yes, it's toxic. You could die if you had too much

What changes has the thermometer went through?

Before thermometers use to have mercury in them and they are not harmful unless they are used properly. Mercury is harmful when it is not disposed of properly and if it spills. It is not used very much because it poses a threat to human health and the environment. Now most thermometers have alcohol in them, they work just as well as mercury thermometers but are more safe to use in case the thermometer breaks.

What is harmful for the body?

Harmful substances for the body include tobacco, excessive alcohol consumption, processed foods high in sugar and unhealthy fats, and exposure to environmental pollutants. These can lead to various health issues such as heart disease, cancer, obesity, and respiratory problems.

If you lit a lollipop stick and 'smoked' it would it be harmful to your body?

yes it is VERY VERY harmful. because of the toxins in the stick can cause harmful cancer causing things and inhaling anything like that period, is harmful to ur body. If done seek medical attention.