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The average human normally takes in about 35 lbs of air per day.

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Q: How much air do you normally breath in and out?
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Was it hard for Neil Armstrong to breath on the moon?

The air he had with him and the pressure suit he was wearing that was fed with that air allowed him to breath almost normally.

Why do you have white puffs usually while breathing in cold morning?

When you breath out, you breath out some water vapour. This is normally invisible, but cold air cannot hold as much water vapour compared with warm. This causes some of the water vapour to condense in mid air in front of you, forming 'the cloud'!

An abnormal sounds produced in the lungs as air moves through fluids of the bronchiole tree?

Air is normally able to pass through the bronchial tree normally is the bronchial tree is open via laminar flow. Breath sounds are heard during auscultation of the chest, using a stethoscope. Normal breath sounds are termed as vesicular breath sounds. However, in conditions such as a pleural effusion where there is air within the pleural cavity, the flow of air becomes disturbed. Therefore, there will be absent breath sounds and if the effusion is large, bronchial breath sounds will be heard which are both abnormal.

How much argon do you breath in each breath?

Slightly less than 1% of the air that you breathe in.

What is a collective noun for fresh air?

A collective noun for air is a breath of air.

Breath of fresh air or breathe of fresh air?

Its breath of fresh air.

What is mammels?

A mammal it an animal that can only breath in air but does not have feathers like birds. Even Dolphins and Whales have to breath air, that is why they come to the surface so often, they can hold their breath much longer than a human can as well.

How much of Julius Cesar's last exhaled breath is still in the air?

all of it

Is argon dangrous?

Argon is an inert and non toxic gas, there is a very small amount of Argon in the air we breath, and is not normally considered dangerous.

How do your lungs normally functions?

When you breath in and out. : )

Do unconscious people breath normally?


How much air does a walrus breath in daily?

None walruses die in 12 hours due to the lack of air