There are no rules as in how often you should have to poop but once a week is not much. If not every day at least once every other day. Look over your diet, if you eat any meds and speak to a dietitian and doctor about it.
3-4 times a day is normal after the first week. Some babies pass stool every time they nurse.
comment on th above question, is a black stool serious 2 weks
Bright red blood in stool, toilet or on the toilet may indicate a fissure. Typically not associated with too much pain. Usually subsides in a few days to a week. Can be given a script of cream to help with pain. Usually a GI bleed such as from an ulcer can present as more of a dark tar substance mixed in with stool. Hope this helps. ..should still be checked by a doc though
one week
it all depends on how many times you peed in that week but chances are your not going to pass
you should only have about 1
At least 3 times a week.
i think its £13 for a week a month is £20 some think and a year is £40
A can or two.