It is not advised to ingest bleach on any level. The smallest amount of bleach can cause serious health issues and less then one cup can kill you. If accidentally ingested call emergency services in your area.
it all comes down to how much you weigh. a fat black man might need 2 bottles. and skinny black man might need a cap full. either way.. (french Montana - devil wants my soul.
you die
they die
yes, it would be bad to drink large quantities of the ocean, because the child or adult could swallow way to much and die from it.
they die
Of course they drink! Other wise they would die!
yes you would die because is Ike drinking petrol is got to much possining in it and it would make you very wooried so you wold be a gooner if you drink it
You will die.
All animals have to drink water or they would die.
Drinking Clorox (bleach) is extremely toxic and can result in severe damage to the mouth, throat, esophagus, and stomach. It can lead to vomiting, abdominal pain, difficulty breathing, and in some cases, can be fatal. If ingested, seek immediate medical attention.
They just do they have to drink to live. I have to drink in cold weather too if you didn't drink you would die @_@
you die