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About 5 billion years

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Q: How many years have the sun been burning?
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How many years has the Sun been burning?

About 5 billion.

How many year that sun been burning?

5 billion years

How been years has the sun been burning?

About 5 billion

How long has the sun been burning?

About 5 billion years

How many years has the sun being burning?

It is estimated that the sun formed into a star about 4.57 billion years ago.

How can the sun keep burning for so many years without burning out?

It really is burning out, but there is so much gas in it that it will really burn out after about ten billion years.

When will the sun stopp burning?

in millions to billians of years

When will the sun stop burning?

[THEORY] Scientist believe that the sun will stop burning and turn into a black hole in 5 billion years.

How long has the nuclear fuel of the sun been burning?

The nuclear fuel of the sun, primarily hydrogen, has been burning for around 4.6 billion years. It is estimated that the sun has about 5 billion more years of fuel left before it enters the next phase of its life cycle.

How long has sun been burning for?

it has been berning since the beginning of time

Who has walked on the sun?

The sun is can be over 1,000,000 degrees. It is basically a large hydrogen bomg I outer space thathas been burning for 1,000,000 years and will countinue burning for 1,000,000,000 years.The gravity on the sunwould be enough too kill you instantly. But people have walked on the sun. George Washington was the first.

If the sun was truly burning how long will it last for?

The sun is not actually burning as in a fire on earth, Burning is a chemical reaction that releases heat. The sun is a nuclear reaction. However most scientists estimate that the sun will continue to react brightly for another five billion years or so.