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there are usally 33 in humans

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Q: How many vertebrae to humans have?
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Related questions

How many vertebrae does the average human and giraffe have?

Humans and Giraffes have 7 vertebrae in the neck

How many thoracic vertebrae does a chimp have?

Chimpanzees have 13 thoracic vertebrae, the same number as humans.

How many neck bones does a gifaffe have?

They have 7 vertebrae like humans.

Are humans part of the vertebrae family?


What was the first vertebrae on earth?

All but humans

What is the shape of the centrum of the thoracic vertebrae are?

The body or centrum of the thoracic vertebrae are heart shaped. There are twelve thoracic vertebrae in humans and they are located in the chest.

Which of the vertebrae can be associated with the chest?

The thoracic vertebrae are found in the chest region of the body. Humans have twelve thoracic vertebrae which are located between the cervical and lumbar vertebrae.

What is lipping of vertebraes?

Lipping occurs in the vertebrae as humans age. Lipping of the vertebrae is the formation of bone between the vertebrae, commonly known as bone spurs.

How many vertebrae are in the thoracic spine in humans?

12 Thoracic FYI 7 cervical, 5 Lumbar and 5 fused Sacral

How many bones in the animal body that make the spine?

The amount of bones in the spine of vertebrates varies from animal to animal. For example, humans have 33 vertebrae while a Burmese python can have around 450 vertebrae.

Are Humans vertebrae?

No, people have backbones made up of vertebrae which is a main characteristic of vertebrates. Invertebrates do not have an internal skeleton.For more information on vertebrates and invertebrates, see the related questions.

What is the bone in the backbone?

The bones of the back are the vertebrae, doughnut-shaped bones with the spinal nerves running through them and spongy cartilage discs between most of them. In humans, the spine consists of 33 vertebrae divided into five groups: the cervical vertebrae (neck), thoracic vertebrae (ribs), the lumbar vertebrae (back), the sacral vertebrae (hips) and the coccygeal vertebrae (coccyx or tailbone).