Doping is the intentional introduction of impurities into a semiconductor material to alter its electrical properties. This process can change the conductivity of the material, allowing it to be used in the production of electronic devices such as transistors and diodes. Different types of doping, such as n-type (donor) and p-type (acceptor) doping, can create regions of positive or negative charge within the material.
increases with doping
doping is done based on segments and boundaries wise
PMOS - (drain + source) = p-type doping NMOS - (drain + source) = n-type doping :)
European athletes cheat all the time and make up the majority of athletes who get busted for doping. Example: West Germany state sponsored doping program, Spanish governments doping coverup, doping in the Tour de France, rampant doping in european football etc.
World Anti-Doping Agency was created in 1999.
Doping is a process of adding some impurity in pure material or pure semiconductor.
It works toward a vision of a world where all athletes compete in a doping-free sporting environment. They develop anti-doping capacities, and monitor the World Anti Doping Code.
dont no
To be honest it is called The National Doping Agency.
Very. Doping determines the conductivity, pure silicon is a good insulator.