well how much is to many? the answer is it can never be to much of many
The GD As (Guideline Daily Amounts) are as follows;
For Women; 2000kCal
For Men; 2500kCal
So with these guideline's, you can assume that any more calories than this per day is too many!
But also take into account the Fat, sugar, etc. content of foods also.
Well all you really have to know is not eat over 2500 calories no matter what sex.
And also don't eat over 3000 calories because that's practically a pound that you would gain...
well how much is to many? the answer is it can never be to much of many
Smoking, too much alcohol, too much (direct) sunlight, too much exercise, too much fatty food, too many carbohydrates.
it's many
one sanic is many too qwik but sanic is rekless and travels at many much sanics
too many exams too much homework too much school work too many chores don't feel well don't have enough money
Too Much Money has 275 pages.
Too Much Happiness has 320 pages.
Too many.
no there isn't just too many people pay too much money
Too many relationship problems. Many intentional.
Too much teacher sex...
More than one in any sitting is too much.