To stay 'clean' shaven an adult male will shave at least once a day, some may need to shave twice (morning and evening) especially if the 'clean' shaven look is required for what ever the evening has on offer.
Alot of times, girls shave when they start seeing little black stubs, try that!
every other day
Once a week should do nicely.
Many people shave twice a week, especially men. When to shave is a personal experience based on how much hair you want to have on your face.
once a day for most men
I should shave differently in the summer.
no they most likely did not shave in mideavel time because there was nothing to shave with.
Many people shave twice a week, especially men. When to shave is a personal experience based on how much hair you want to have on your face.
Pubes don't need to be shaved. If you're like me and you don't like pubes, then you should shave them. It doesn't really matter when you shave them.
I'm 14 years old and boy and I was wondering should I shave my pubes?
yes he suppose to shave or he'll grow a bear
There is a variety of items you will get with a travel shave kit depending on price and quality. The basics of a travel shave kit should be a razor, shaving cream, scissors, a comb and after shave lotion.