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The average blink rate is 10 to 15 times a minute, but as little as 3 to 4 times a minute while reading or using the eyes for detailed work.

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Q: How many times does the human eye blink?
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How many times do a human eye blink per month?

We automatically blink and don't even notice it. Time yourself over a minute, then times the total by 60 to give you an hourly rate, then times that by 24 to give you the blinking rate over 24 hours.

How many times can a human blink in one second?

That depends if you get punched in the face, you have something in your eye, your eyes are itchy/dry, etc.

How many times does a human eye blink per day?

On average, a human eye blinks about 15-20 times per minute. This adds up to about 14,400 to 19,200 blinks in a 16-hour day while awake.

How many times per second can the average person blink their eye?

Start the timer for one minute. Count how many times you blink between the time you started and the time you ended. Theres your answer. Good luck =)

What is a human beings average number of eye blinks per day?

6.25 million times a year.

How many times does an adult blink their eyes in a minute?

the average amount of blinks per minute for a human eye is 25 It depends on the person and the situation. We need to blink a few times a minute, much less than we typically do. Blinking is more frequent when nervous.

What do you do when a baby has shampoo in her eyes?

Gently wash the baby's eye out with cool water, and try to get her to blink a few times. Hope this helped! If shampoo is still not out, then continuously wash her eye and make her blink :)

Why can your eyelid muscle be classified as voluntary or involuntary muscle?

You can close your eyes or blink whenever you want to, but most of the time you blink several times per minute without thinking about it.

How many times a snake blinks in minute?

Never, snakes have occular scales that cover their eyes indefinitely instead of eyelids that they can blink either voluntarily or involutarily.

Who sings the song i am the eye i go blink blink?

Psalty Sing-a-longs

How many times do you blink your eye per seconds?

Normal blinking depends on the activity of a person and may vary from 2 to 10 times per minute.