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The average heartbeat in an lifetimes is 2 and a half billion times

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Q: How many times does the heartbeat in an average lifetime?
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How many times does your heartbeat in your lifetime?

During an average lifetime: over 2.5 billion times.

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How many times does the human heart beat in a lifetime?

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On average, a person will walk the equivalent of about four times around the Earth's equator in their lifetime.

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How many times would a heart beat a day?

The average heartbeat per day is 100,000.

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36,500 times

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On average, a person looks in the mirror about 8-10 times a day. Over a lifetime of about 70-80 years, this could amount to roughly 200,000-300,000 times.

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How many times does an average person blink in a lifetime?

On average, a person blinks around 15-20 times per minute, which adds up to about 28,000 blinks per day. Over a lifetime of approximately 80 years, this would equate to around 1.2 billion blinks.