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Q: How many times does an average adult urinate daily?
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How often should you urinate daily?

as often as you feel the need depends on how much fluid you intake daily. The average adult bladder holds approximately 1 pint of liquid so you should urinate as many times as your bladder is filled daily. This means, if you drink 2 pints of liquid you should urinate at least twice before you could drink anything else, unless of course you wanted to urinate on yourself.

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The average adult laughs 100 times a week.

How many times do you inhale and exhale daily?

With one inspiration and expiration equaling one respiration, you respire approximately 20000-25000 times daily.

What is average daily urine output for 3 year old?

Normal toddlers urinate between 5 and 8 times per day depending on what they're drinking. Alcoholic toddlers urinate more often than that, and have a harder time seeing over the stearing wheel while driving, accounting for the high percentage of toddler DUIs.

What is the Average daily sales of the Times UK?

The average daily sales of the Times UK is around 300,000 copies per day.

How many times does an average adult poo?

100,000,000 times in their life time.

How often does a person urinate in a day?

The normal urine output for an average adult is 800 to 2000 ml/day; this is assuming intake of around 2 liters.

How many times should normal person urinate daily?

Urinary output is dependent on many factors, such as intake, age, health conditions In a normal, healthy adult, your body should pretty much match its output with its intake. That is, what goes in, should come out in pretty much the same volume.

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How much does an average person smile in 24 hours (this one is hard)?

Research shows that children smile an average of 400 times per day, compared to the average happy adult who smiles 40-50 times per day and the typical adult who smiles only 20 times per day.

How many times does the avrange person lies a day?

The average adult lies 1-5 times per day.

How many times a year does an average adult smoke?

Only 25% of the adult population smokes so the answer is zero.If you smoke at all you are in the minority.