When you get close to you and touch them they do that
3050 times
Yes, Jerry has been in Tom's mouth many times, but he has always found ways to escape.
as many times he wants
on average 450 which is 5685mins.
as many times as it takes for the ball to make it over without touching the net. there is no limit to this.
as many times as a judge releases him/her
A computer mouth stick is qute simply a stick, held in the mouth by which a person with a disability can manipulate a computer screen and/or keyboard. However, mouth sticks can also be used for page turning, writing, drawing, using a touch screen mobile phone and many other everyday activities. People who use a mouth stick often do not have the full or any use of their arms. This may be due to paralysis, cerebral palsy, amputation, birth defect or many other conditions affecting their arm strength and/or range of motion.
A starfish
You touch your face/head up to 2-4 times a minute, it may not seem like it but it does happen. That's up to 5,500 times a day but NO evidence has been found that supports this claim other than other undocumented claims on the internet which are likely linked to the movie "Contagion" when Kate Winslet's character states this as a fact.
A person can be elected president at most two times.