Your brain becomes short curcuited after just one shot of this and other nasty drugs, so you are on your way after the first hit (which is usually free and encoiuraged byt those who make money on poor addicts).
not many
In the United States there is an estimated 2,000 people that die of Heroine use each year.
3 hours
The Horoscope Junkie is a page that gives people their horoscopes and it is currently gaining popularity. It has 985 likes currently on the Facebook page.
Cowards according to Caesar die many times before their death.
Try reversing that.
many times
Depends on what state you live in.
24 times then is work
as many times as it takes as many times as it takes
Well me being a licensed doctor i have had many heroine patients and the effects of heroine are much worse than a simple bottle of coca cola. That is pathetic and those two should never be compared.