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Q: How many times can you stop breathing while sleeping?
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Can you yawn while you are sleeping?

Yes, you can yawn while sleeping, I've seen it done many times.

What causes some people to snore but not others?

There are many small factors that can predispose someone to snoring, but no solid rule. Some factors include being overweight, breathing through the mouth while sleeping and sleeping in certain positions that partially obstruct the airways.

How many times does your heart beat while sleeping?

Your sleeping heart rate is usually slower than your resting heart rate while awake. The actual number of beats will depend on different factors, such as fitness, resting rate, age, and whether you have any cardiac issues.

How many times has romeo seen Juliet?

he sees her at the party, after the party, at their "wedding", the final night (before leaving) and when he goes to her tomb (while shes sleeping)

What functions does the brain control?

It has many functions such as sleeping, your heart rate and many others functions. It also controls and regulates your breathing as well as your eating habits.

What sleep disorders is most strongly associated with obesity?

As someone who has Sleep Apnea, I would definitely say it's the one most associated with obesity. Sleep Apnea is a sleep disorder where you aren't breathing properly while sleeping. When sleeping, your muscles relax and sometimes, this can cause youe throat to close up which, therefore, doesn't allow much oxygen in as when you are awake and in control. . I have to use a CPAP machine each night and though I'm not amazing about keeping to it, the times when I have been consistent have yielded many good things. I felt that I had much more energy and I felt more motivated to ne active. I remember within a few months time, I had lost about 20 pounds and I would believe it had a lot to do with the fact that I was breathing better while I was sleeping. . Sleep Apnea is normally made better by weight loss and healthy lifestyles and I find that, since that loss, my sleep has been much better so....Sleep Apnea has got to be the answer you are looking for.

How many erections does a man get while sleeping?

yes, and they often do

Why does your dog breath hard when sleeping?

Heavy breathing in dogs while sleeping can be normal, as they may experience vivid dreams or changes in their sleep cycle. However, if the heavy breathing is accompanied by other symptoms like coughing, wheezing, or struggling to breathe, it could indicate a respiratory issue or another health problem, and it would be advisable to consult with a veterinarian.

How many calories does a 150-pound person burn while sleeping?

a 150 pound person sleeping for 8 hours burns 489 calories.

How many times does the squirrel breathe in one minute?

a squirrel's heart, in the summer, beats at the rate of 110 beats per min while sleeping and 420 beats per min while fleeing danger (which they often do)!

How many times a human breathing a day?

In a minute human breathe 72 times so in a day 103680. Thank you

How many times does Owl City mention sleeping on his new album 'Ocean Eyes'?