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If he is trained and capable of holding back, then very often. Something like 10 times should be possible, but when it's getting too good to resist, he will go over the edge.

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Q: How many times can a guy pre-ejaculate dearing sexual intercourse?
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What is natural form of family planning?

Having sexual intercourse at precise times so as not to coincide with ovulation (not very reliable) or not having sexual intercourse at all (100% reliable).

Is it possible for one to engage in sexual intercourse whilst juggling?

Yes. I've done it many times.

How many times does a male ejuclate ate per day?

Well thats dependent on how many times he has sexual intercourse or masturbates in that day!?

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The difficulty in doing research involving sex involves outright lies. For example: For years men claimed they had sexual intercourse 3 times a week. Women claimed they had sexual intercourse 2 times a week. Something was wrong. It is impossible for a man to have sexual intercourse without a woman also having sexual intercourse. A whole lot of lies were being told. With something like sexual expression, there is the question as to how much is sexual and how much is style. When every woman wears a bikini, are all being sexy or are they all just going swimming? When is a woman flirting and when is she simply being pleasant. It is hard to tell. Good luck with your project.

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There is no set number of times. You CAN get pregnant the very first time you have sexual intercourse.

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in the Tudor times the theatres develpoed by people having sexual intercourse whilst on stage, and screaming ohh yes harder baby !!!

How many times any one can make intercourse in one day?

It depends on one's age, health, gender, and orgasms.the average frequency of sexual intercourse in the US is 112 times per year (age 18-29), 86 times per year (age 30-39), and 69 times per year (age 40-49)

Could I be pregnant if I am on birth control and used the pull out method a couple days after my period?

I think sexual intercourse is relaxing ive done it 3 times but to answer your question no.

How many times does a man release during sexual intercourse?

Man climaxes and ejaculates only once while a woman can but most often not come twice or even thrice

What meaning of pollution?

The act of polluting, or the state of being polluted (in any sense of the verb); defilement; uncleanness; impurity., The emission of semen, or sperm, at other times than in sexual intercourse.

What do you do if a girl ask for sexual intercourse?

If a girl asks for sexual intercourse, then that shows she really wants to have sex, or take it to the next level with you. It is usually best to do so, or else she may lose interest in you because she may believe she won't have sex in a relationship. If you don't want to, then say your not ready in a pleasant way (only works like two times if your lucky). Remember, use protection.

Is it safe to mastrubate 4 times a day?

There is nothing wrong with it, in fact, some believe it is healthy to do so (for the benefits of stress relief and various other reasons). Although it would be quite difficult to climax all four times, even during sexual intercourse.