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Clarification needed. Do you mean administered to the same person?

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Q: How many times can a general anaesthetic be administered in a year to the same person?
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Who administered aids?

No one specific person alone can administer AIDS. AIDS is developed when someone has a sexual intercourse with more than one person. Sometimes, the development of AIDS is instant, and other times it slowly emerges from the one that is infected.

How is Oxycodone administered?

It is usually given orally in mg of 5,10,15,30 a few times a day

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How many times can a person refinance their mortgage?

There is no limits in the general rules as to how many times it is possible to refinace a mortgage. There are some guidelines on qualifications that everybody should check out before making that investment.

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Generally only if said person knows the person. Often times a person gets to know a person very well of a non-prefferable gender, and they become attracted to their features as a person, or for what they are on the inside. And sometimes when one has these feelings, they do become physically attracted to this person, but not to women in general.

Are microorgansim important to you?

Within the body of everyone there are good and bad microorganisms. In a healthy person the good microorganisms will keep the bad ones at bay so that the body will remain healthy. At times they loose the battle and the person will become sick. Substitute medicines are then administered to help strengthen the army of good microorganisms so that they will turn the tide of the battle.

What is James young Simpson famous for inventing?

• 000000;OVERFLOW:hidden;BORDER-TOP:mediumnone;BORDER-RIGHT:mediumnone;TEXT-DECORATION:none">He was the Scottish Doctor that discovered the anaesthetic capability of Chloroform and first used it in childbirth. He lived in the Victorian times

How often does an average person use paper?

On average three times a day. Once for toiletry use, once for general usage (serviettes etc.) and once as a wank tissue.

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Most antibiotics are administered twice a day. You should speak with a vet and pharmacist to be sure your calf is getting the proper dosage.

How many times as Elizabeth been married in General Hospital?

4 times

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A person can be elected president at most two times.

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In general, a person cannot physically see the lines that divide time zones. They are imaginary lines used to separate regions that observe different standard times.