A "pop" is when a man ejaculates. "Unlipops" basically means "as many times as he can ejaculate". This term is usually used by prostitutes who sell their services by showing that a customer may have sex with her and ejaculate as many times as he wants for a set amount of money.
It depends on the guy doing it.Example: 2 times or more but usually 2 to 3 times.
As often as he masturbates if he is advancing through puberty. There are no limits on this.
You do not 'loose' sperm. If you do not ejaculate, voluntarily or otherwise, it is reabsorbed by the body.
3 times
Men can typically ejaculate multiple times during sexual activity, but the specific number can vary widely based on individual factors such as age, health, and arousal level. Most men need a refractory period between each ejaculation to recover, during which they may not be able to ejaculate again.
It should be a more or less steady flow until climax. Amounts vary with the guy.
On average, a healthy male can ejaculate multiple times in a 24-hour period. However, the exact number can vary from person to person. Some men may have the ability to ejaculate multiple times in a day, while others may need more time to recover between ejaculations.
During the breeding season males will copulate with the opposite sex multiple times. In a 6month breeding period the males will mate with the females as many times as the female is willing. Copulation can take place several times a night.