For someone with a healthy digestive system, up to three bowel movements a day is considered normal. On average, people go once or twice per day.
3 times
four times.....
A person should shower everyday making it seven times a week.
A person should go to the store at least 1 to 2 times in a month. So you do 2x12=24. So a person should go to the grocery store at least 24 times a year if not more.
People should eat 3 times a day-Breakfast,Lunch, and Dinner.
As many times as they sincerely ask for forgiveness.
The average person should poop 17-23 times a day.
As often as you need to in order to prevent people from avoiding you, due to personal hygiene issues... The number of times you actually need to bath varies from person to person.
as many times he wants
infinite times.
Yes, a person should always try to negotiate a price of a manufactured home. Many times, a person can save thousands just by asking for a discount.