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3,000 to 4,000 times a day.

Sources: The movie Contagion :)


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Q: How many times a day does the average human touch there face?
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How many times does the average human touch there face in an hour?

The average person touches their face about 2000 to 4000 times a day. Or three to five times a minute.

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The average distance between eyes on a human face is about 2.5 inches.

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How do you keep from getting zits and pimples?

wash your face 2 times a day and do not touch your face and use a wash that works for u one of the best is cetaphil

How long is an average persons leg in inches?

about three and a half times their face

What is the average hand span of an adult human?

If I am correct about what you're asking, the average hand span is the same length as one's face.

How many times does an average person wash their hands?

You touch your face/head up to 2-4 times a minute, it may not seem like it but it does happen. That's up to 5,500 times a day but NO evidence has been found that supports this claim other than other undocumented claims on the internet which are likely linked to the movie "Contagion" when Kate Winslet's character states this as a fact.

What is the Average number of times a person touches their face each day?

3-5 times a minute, then you can do the math

How do you keep your face clean?

By not touching your face with your hands that often because If you do the germs that you touch goes to your face when you touch it and may cause acne.

What causes pimples on the face and how best can you treat them?

Most people have it it's germs in your skin that causes acne to pop up on your face, best way to treat them is don't touch it and wash your face 3 times a day..

How many times does a person touch theirs face?

You touch your face/head up to 2-4 times a minute, it may not seem like it but it does happen. That's up to 5,500 times a day but NO evidence has been found that supports this claim other than other undocumented claims on the internet which are likely linked to the movie "Contagion" when Kate Winslet's character states this as a fact.

When was The Human Face created?

The Human Face was created in 2001.