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Q: How many time sleep in night?
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Where do crows sleep at night?

At night time - Crows are sleeping at top of the trees.

Is it fine to sleep in Night and again in evening?

Right time to sleep

Do black Moor's sleep?

yes most of the time its at night but the they can sleep at day time also(:

When do dugongs sleep?

at night time. der

What time just Justin Bieber sleep?

Night time

Do you sleep all the time because you are stressed?

When you sleep all the time it could mean that at night, when you are supposed to go to bed, you could be stressing about too many things. Night time is the time that you can get all of these things off your mind because bed time is the time that you get to clear your head. When you are tired during the day you dont get enough sleep at night. try to stay awake all day and then go to bed on time. Try this for a week and your sleep and stress will be on track. -Karl Ann, Rockin it

How do you convert time to distance?

You don't. There's no way to figure out how many inches of sleep you had last night.

Do guiena pigs sleep?

they sleep at night but only for a short time they mostly sleep through the day

Why do you get improper sleep in day time?

If you sleep during the day, this may result in improper sleep at night. It is a good idea to sleep at night so that you aren't sleeping all day.

Why is it that sometimes when you sleep a short time it seems like it was a long time and other times you sleep all night and it seems like it was only a couple of minutes?

The reason is when you sleep a short amount of time you are usually really tired so it feels like you had a good night sleep, whereas at night when you sleep you do it nightly so you are used to it and it feels really short.

What time does a roman gladiator sleep?

Normaly at night.