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Q: How many time can you can Levonorgestrel Tablets 0.75 mg in the month?
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Can you use levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol tablets at the time of periods?

i thought yes, because that is what's in the contraceptive pill which is taken during your period aswell.

How many imodium tablets do you take per day?

Two tablets for the first time and than one tablet every time that you will defecate liquid feces until normalisation.

How many tablets did the Romans they write?

In the initial general legislation 12: The law of the Twelve Tablets. More generally, they wrote on tablets all the time as it was the best means of preserving writing until the introduction of parchment.

How many time do you see a new moon in a month?

At least once a month

Can you play games on tablets?

For the last time can u play games on the tablets

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Oxycontin is an extremely potent painkiller that comes in time-release tablets that last for up to how many hours?


Oxycontin is an extremely potent painkiller that comes in time-release tablets that last up to how many hours?


How many days time taken to get menses after using Fizinorm forte tablets?

1 or 2 days

How many offspring at one time do turkeys have?

as many as 18 eggs at a time. It takes about a month for the chicks to hatch.

How many days is a month on Howrse game?

About 1/4 of a month. For further info, contact me (kinks @t us and international versions)

What month does the whole world have the same time?

The month when most countries have the same time is in March, during Daylight Saving Time. This is when many countries adjust their clocks forward by one hour.