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Depends if you sweat a lot for Sports probably 5-6

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Q: How many swipes of deodorant are you supposed to put under your arms?
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What is deodorant?

it is an odor free spray for under the arms.

Removing deodorant buildup under the arms?

How do I remove underarm buildup

What does it mean if your under arms smell?

you did not put on deodorant or you did not put on enough.

How do you take care of you're under arms?

I wash them in the shower and use deodorant, not antiperspirant.

My friend constantly sniffs her arms. She said that she likes the smell. Is this normal and how can she stop?

You can tell her to not put deodorant under her arms. That will keep noses away from it.

What can a young girl wear for underarm smell?

After washing thoroughly with soap and water, rinse and dry. Then apply deodorant or antiperspirant under the arms.

What is spray deodorant?

Spray deodorant is a type of deodorant that comes in an aerosol can and is applied to the underarms by being sprayed onto the skin. It helps to reduce body odor by killing bacteria that cause sweat to smell.

Where can you find Tussy Rollon in a store?

Where can I purchase Tussy Roll on Deodorant in a store? Please help! This is the only one that doesn't break us out or itchy under arms.

Who died in Cleopatra arms?

Marc Antony was supposed to have died in Cleopatra's arms, according to the romantic novelists.Marc Antony was supposed to have died in Cleopatra's arms, according to the romantic novelists.Marc Antony was supposed to have died in Cleopatra's arms, according to the romantic novelists.Marc Antony was supposed to have died in Cleopatra's arms, according to the romantic novelists.Marc Antony was supposed to have died in Cleopatra's arms, according to the romantic novelists.Marc Antony was supposed to have died in Cleopatra's arms, according to the romantic novelists.Marc Antony was supposed to have died in Cleopatra's arms, according to the romantic novelists.Marc Antony was supposed to have died in Cleopatra's arms, according to the romantic novelists.Marc Antony was supposed to have died in Cleopatra's arms, according to the romantic novelists.

Where are you supposed to shave?

You don't HAVE to shave anything. I suggest shaving under the arms, on the legs, don't shave your arms! It'll grow back thick and dark. As for private areas, use Nair and ask your mom to get your some razers.

Are dogs supposed to have bald patches under their arms?

Many dogs have bald patches under their arms. It is completely normal. Many dogs will also have bald patches on their elbows, the joint on the upper front leg.

Does a man with no arms use deodorant?

That would depend on the extent of the injury or birth defect that led to him having no arms in the first place. If he was missing everything below the elbow, but still had armpits, then yes, he would need to apply deodorant. If he has no armpit area, deodorant would be unnecessary because he wouldn't have the apocrine (odorous) sweat glands.