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there are 5 schedules

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Q: How many schedules are there under the controlled substance act?
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Related questions

How much controlled substance makes it a felony in Oklahoma?

There are many different schedules of controlled substances, and the amounts vary by substance. Best bet is to stay away from drugs.

What is a control substance?

A controlled substance is a drug or chemical whose manufacture, possession, or use is regulated by the government due to its potential for abuse or addiction. These substances are classified into different schedules based on their perceived risk to public health and safety.

How many categories of legal products does the Controlled Substance Act recognize?


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How many schedules are there in companies act 1956?

14 schedules

What are schedule 5 drugs?

Controlled substances meaning their disturbtion is controlled they are accounted for nurses and doctors must keep accurate track of who got them and when they got them and how many Your three and fours are weaker analgesics and anti anxiety

Possession of sch 1 cs mean?

Felony possession of SCH II CS means you were in possession of a controlled substance that has a high potential for abuse and is used as a medication. These can include Oxycodone, Codeine, and Morphine.

Is bezocaine a controlled drug?

No, Benzocaine is not a controlled substance. It is a topical analgesic used for itch (pruritis ) and in some circumstances, pain. It can be found in many ointments and creams "over-the-counter" in pharmacies.

Is cyclobenzaprine a controlled substance?

Flexeril (cyclobenzaprine) is not classified as a controlled substance in the United States, and is therefore considered non-addictive by the federal government. Having said that, many patients do find the side effects (drowsiness, dizziness) desirable, and will abuse the drug to achieve a feeling of detachment. This is dangerous.

How many GSA Schedules are there?

There are currently 41 different schedules listed at

How many classifications or schedules of drug categories does the US Drug Enforcement Agency DEA recognize?

5 schedules

Where can one find NFL schedules for 2013?

NFL schedules for 2013 can be found from many different resources. The most reliable resource for NFL schedules is directly from the official NFL website.