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To be honest it really depends on where, you who is asking lives so there is not a deffinite answer

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Q: How many people live off of government welfare?
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Related questions

How is welfare helpful to poor people?

Welfare is very helpful to those that are in need. Many people need Government Assistance to help them get back on their feet. Because of welfare many less fortunate people can eat and have a place to live every day.

What is the welfare check amount?

The welfare check amount depends on how many people are in your family. It also depends on which sate in the United States you live in.

How many people in the us are receiving welfare?

In 2012, 35% of all households in the US were receiving government assistance.

How many people have welfare?

just about over 5 million people have and get welfare checks

How many people are on welfare in Houston?

As of the latest data available, there are approximately 200,000 individuals receiving welfare benefits in Houston, Texas. This number may vary due to changes in economic conditions and government policies.

What is the corporate welfare?

Corporate welfare is not real welfare, actually. (Even though it's similiar.) Corporate welfare when the government gives handouts or tax breaks to businesses to either entice them to stay where they are located, or move to a new place, or do a number of other things. Many people think corporate welfare is unfair (no pun intended) because they think that the money the government hands out could go to better causes. There are a zillion stories about the "stupid corporate welfare situation" out there.

Why would Locke say that anarchy is impossible?

well it is not impossiable but to many people depend on the government for there everyday needs disability,healthcare,foodstamps and welfare. that's the only reason the government has power and don't have to listen to the people

How many swedes are on welfare?

I don't have that specific information, but you can refer to official statistics from the Swedish government or welfare agencies for accurate numbers.

How many white people are there on welfare?

White people make up 42% of the poor, but take in 69% of government benefits

Opinions about whether welfare should exist?

In many cases, welfare hurts those who it is meant to help because it takes away motivation for people to work to improve themselves, rather than living off the government.

How many people get welfare in Nevada?


How many people have welfare in Newfoundland?
