The number of people actually diagnosed with ADD varies wildly from zero percent to 20% in some places in the US. I'm not sure anyone has accurate world statistics on this.
Psychiatrists have been doing studies on ADD or the similar conditions as defined at the time across the world since the 1920's. When you account for differences in the definitions used the range has been remarkable consistent across time and cultures at 3-6%.
Given a world population that is estimated by the US census bureau at just under 7 billion people that would mean that a reasonable estimate is about 200 million to 400 million have ADD world wide. As mentioned above, no where near that many people have been diagnosed and are being treated.
100 people.
Many people control their ADD by taking prescription medicines.
how many people are there in the world
A LOT. About as many people as there are in the books, but more because they had to add background people.
There are 7billion people in the world in 2012
actually add up people get up do something math people don't you know what math dahh that's why we have school add!add!add!add!add!math!math!math!MA
how many people are named Amie in the world
There is excatly 9,900,000,000,000,000,000,000 people in the world.
there are 1000000 people in the world but i am not sure
6000000000 people in the world
how many people in the world are playing softball?