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Many people in the world have short legs when i was in 5th grade i was really short i had to look up at people but i got used to it

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Q: How many people have short legs?
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Tall people are better swimmers because they have longer legs than short people do.

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They have four short legs; the front legs havefive toes while the back legs

Is it bad to have short legs?

no it is not bad to have short legs it is natural

Are koalas legs short or long?

yes, they do have short legs.

Are chimpanzee's legs long or short?

Chimps have short legs

Why do invertebrates have long legs?

There are a great many different species that fall under the category of invertebrate, some of which have long legs, some of which have short legs, and some of which have no legs.

Do jaguars have long legs or short legs?

Jaguar's legs are medium sized. There not to short and not to long either.

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Why would an animal evolve shorter legs?

If its environment merited them to need short legs or short legs made them survive longer, then a species would evolve short legs.

Why do hill sheep have short legs?

They don't have short legs, their legs are the same height as any other type of sheep. They just seem short.

Give you a sentence for the word disadvantage?

Short legs are a disadvantage for people who compete as runners.

Are long legs good to have long legs?

yess!!! They are amazing to have!!! Long legs make a girl gorgeous!!! I am 5"0 and have short legs:( Everybody always make fun of me for being short. you are so lucky to have long legs. i used to make fun of people wih long lags but i was just jealous.