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Q: How many people are double jointed?
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What culture is usually double jointed?

Usually people that are Asian, or come from Asia, are double jointed. But still, it's possible to have someone that is not Asian be double jointed?

Is double jointed a thing?

It all depends, double jointed isn't a bad thing nor a good thing its just something people are.

Is being double jointed gross?

Not necessarily. Although non-double-jointed people find the flexibility of double-jointed people appalling, it is a natural occurrence. It is just an ability that you were born with that others don't have, and since others don't have it, they find anything that they don't have appalling and 'gross'. Thus, being double-jointed is not gross, but a rather useful asset.

Can a infant be double jointed?

I was born double-jointed, or hypermobile, which is the specific and correct term that your doctor will use. (It also can be called hyperlaxity). It is possible to be hypermobile as an infant because people don't just suddenly become double-jointed. Hope this helped you!!!

Is it bad to be double jointed?

nope im double jointed in all my fingers and i can do and its cool

Can a man twist his hand all around in a circle?

It is possible, but can only be done by someone who is double jointed in that way. I can do this because I am double jointed but I only know two other people that can do it as well.

Can cats be double jointed?

Yes, much like humans, cats can also be double jointed. However, not all cats are. In general, cats are pretty flexible.

Is Zayn Malik double jointed?

I believe he is, yes, in his thumb. Being double jointed in the thumb, myself, I can do the same :)

Does double jointed fingers effect playing basketball?

Nope not at all. I'm double jointed and I play just fine

What does hyper-jointed mean?

hyper-jointed is also known as double-jointed which means you can stretch your joints farther then normal.

What does being double jointed mean?

Being double jointed means that you can bend your joints more than the average person. There are many misunderstandings when it comes to the meaning of being double jointed. In one case, the term itself implies that double jointed people have twice the number of joints than normal human beings. Some even assume that double joints allow for twice the usual amount of motion. However, these meanings are myths. All human beings have the same number of bones and joints, all of which have similar capacities for movement.

Is Tim Lincecum double jointed?

No, no he is not