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There is a 7 in a million chance of dying of ecstacy more people die from choking on peanuts then dying from ecstacy.

No one has actually ever overdosed on MDMA. They have however died from other natural side effects of MDMA. Such as overworking themselves.

Every 3 million that take ecstasy, 60 people of those people will die.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

MDMA the main component in Ecstasy is actually fairly hard to get addicted to. There are no cravings for it. Caffeine is actually more addicting then MDMA. MDMA is a very therapeutic drug with a lot of benefits. Most of the Propaganda you see in the health class or wherever is complete bull.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

It may depend on the region. Perhaps in some places little to no teens may do it. Whereas somewhere else, it may be very common among teen culture.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Once is enough for any drug.

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Q: How many people are addicted to ecstasy?
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What are ecstasy withdraw symptoms?

Usually there are no withdrawal symptoms of ecstasy because it is not a substance that is easily addicted to. But you might experience a ''crashing'' sensation when the high wears off that is usually accompanied with a strong feeling of depression.

How long are you in rehab when you use Ecstasy?

It depends on the rehab system and how addicted you are to the drug. Personally, I was just in rehab for doing ecstasy and smoking weed, I was kept in the program for 7 months before they released me. Just don't do ecstasy, because rehab is hell and it's really not worth it.

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How many people are addicted to coffee?

Almost the whole world.

Why does ecstasy shrink your penis while on the drug?

it doesnt! ---- Many people say its harder to get an erection when on ecstasy. Also, it is much harder to orgasm. yes it does!