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it doesn't matter how much she eats, she can eat as much as she wants

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Q: How many ounces of shrimps can a prenceny women eat?
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2 12 ounces of shrimp equals to how many shrimps?

There are approximately 40 shrimp in 24 ounces of shrimp. This can vary greatly depending on the size of the shrimp in question.

How Do Shrimps Live in Lakes and Rivers?

There are many different species of fresh and salt water shrimps. All shrimps eat microscopic plant and animal life.

Are scuds also called freshwater shrimp and sideswimmers?

They are also called sideswimmers, but they are really not freshwater shrimps, though some people call them that. They are a type of amphipod, which is related to freshwater shrimps.

How many eggs do Mantis shrimps have a year?


What eats zooplanktons?

Whales, shrimps, many fish etc.,

How many shrimps do fish eat?

about 2000 a day wow

How many shrimps are there in the world?

1 and a half... cause i was hungry

What fish do shrimps eat?

Many fish -- like guppies. :)

How many shrimp will give you iodine poisoning?

14,000 Shrimps

Are shrimps popular in France?

Yes! the word Shrimp and Prawn originated from Great Britain. And in France shrimps are used in many delicious, exotic dishes.

How many shrimps make one ounce?

It varies on the size of the shrimp

how many shrimps do you have to eat before your skin turns pink?

Eat yo much and you'll get sick, shrimps are pretty rich. ( I recommend not eating a lot of shrimp, its not heathy for you )