6 hours equal 0.0013889 months.
About 2.4 months.
100 hours = 0.136895463 months
Assuming a 31-day month, there are 31 x 24 = 744 hours in one month. Dividing 1500 by this, and rounding to two decimal places, gives 1500/744 = 2.02 months.
30 hours 1.25 days 0.041666 months 0.00342465753 years
That's about a week shy of five average months.
It is equal to 1 month and 3 days.
The average month is 30.4375 days. 750 hours is 31.25 days. So 750 hours is 1.0267 average months.
720 hours is 30 days, which is about 1 month, though of course different months are different lengths.
There are: 1500/60 = 25 hours
There are 30.4375 average days in a month. 125 hrs is 5.208333 days. This means 125 hours is 0.1711 months
Around 1 month, or 30 days.