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Q: How many months is OK to introduce your girlfriend to your mother?
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How many months does a mother monkey carry its baby for?

How ever many months it needs to carry that pointless life.

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Cheetah cubs remain with their mother for 18 months.

How many months was Mary pregnant when she saw John the Baptist's mother?

Maybe about one or two months.

How many months should a baby sheep drink its mother milk?

Until it is weaned at three months of age.

How many months or years does the baby kangaroo stay with its mother?

The joey is in the mother kangaroo's pouch for about eight months (235 days), depending on the species. The young Joey continues to suckle until it is about 12 months old.

How many months until a baby is ready to be born?

The baby grows in the mother's womb for nine months before it is ready to be born.

How many years that babis geraffe stay with their mother?

Up to 6 months

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6-8 months

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Approximately nine months, just like humans!

Are your girlfriend and you considered common law after 6 months of living together?

Yes, your girlfriend would now be considered common law. In many states, you are able to put her on your insurance plan.

How many years does a baby of a Numbat stay with her?

A baby numbat, known as a joey, stays with its mother for about ten months. It is weaned at about seven months.

How many weeks old is a quokka when it feeds itself?

Quokka joeys are completely dependent on their mother for about 6 months (26 weeks). They will start eating grass at this age, but still suckle from the mother for another two months.