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Q: How many milligrams are in one tablespoon of Aloe gel?
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Limitations of aloe vera gel?

No serious problems have been reported with aloe gel, whether used internally or externally. If you are using Hydrocortisone cream Aloe gel might help it work better.

What is the difference between aloe gel and regular gel?

Aloe gel is derived from the aloe vera plant and is known for its soothing and moisturizing properties, often used for skin care. Regular gel, on the other hand, can refer to various types of gels that are not necessarily derived from aloe, and may serve different purposes such as styling hair or providing lubrication.

What is the polarity of Aloe Vera gel?

Aloe vera gel is considered to be neutral in terms of polarity. It contains mostly water along with various compounds such as polysaccharides, glycoproteins, and enzymes.

What do you apply to a electrical burn?

aloe vera gel

What can you use instead of conductive gel?

aloe vera

Does an aloe vera plant need to be pollinated before it produces the gel?

No, aloe vera plants do not require pollination to produce gel. Aloe vera plants are capable of reproducing through vegetative means, such as by cloning themselves from offshoots called pups. The gel is produced in specialized cells within the plant's leaves and does not involve the fertilization process.

What plants helps sun burns?

Aloe vera gel

What is best to put on a sunburn when its peeling?

apply a sunscreen lotion aloe vera

What part of the aloe vera is used?

The Gel-like substance found inside by splitting or squeezing a piece of aloe.

Can you use the aloe plant to make face primer or can i use extreme gel that's the name of the gel?

Yes, a person can use the aloe plant to make face primer or they can use extreme gel. Some of the things needed to make face primer besides the aloe plant are Vitamin C and Vitamin E.

Can you be allergic to aloe Vera gel?

Yes. People allergic to garlic, onions, & tulips are more likely to be allergic to aloe.

What to do about itchy sunburns?

Aloe vera gel seems to help me alot.