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.8 ml is 80 mg.

To find the amount in 1 ml, use a ratio and let x be the amount of Tylenol in 1 ml.

80/.8 =x/1 so 80=.8x and x =100 mg

Of course we could have just said, 80 mg per .8 ml is 100 mg per ml by dividing 80 by .8.

Or if there is 80 mg in .8 then there is 10 mg in .1 and 10x.1 =1. So 10 x 10=100

Lots of ways to do the sae problem. Different people find different methods easier to understand.

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Never give medications to infants unless these medications are prescribed for the infant by a qualified medical practitioner.

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No, but there's acetaminophen in Tylenol 3

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