Two by the hand, one by the feet, one by the breasts, one in the mouth, two in the vagina and one in the rectum. So at least seven.
No women. The average ship crew was about 35 men.
there are 3,456,782,396 men and 2,348,955,926women
There is no 'test' to find out how many men a woman has had sex with. you will have to ask her, unfortunately
There are 267,436,04 men and women in Canada
Many men could have many jobs it was woman that couldn't have many jobs
It depends on the men. Many do and many dont. It just varies on the men's attraction.
3,451 men (and one woman)
The man that ogles a woman finds her attractive and if he does it discreetly she take it as a compliment.
As many as she wants.
As much as you can, most men like em big.
men had to leave so women had to take over their jobs
hell to the hell no dog