3. the outside layer is the tooth enamel. the second layer is the dentin. and the third and innermost payer is the pulp which contains all of your nerves and blood vessels
Enamel, Dentin, Pulp, Cementum.
The outer layers of the tooth do not contain nerve endings. So, it isn't until the decay gets deep enough into the tooth to effect the nerves inside the tooth's pulp that you feel anything.
there are many layers
The four layers of tissue in a tooth are enamel, dentin, pulp, and cementum. Enamel is the hard outer layer that protects the tooth, dentin is a hard tissue underlying the enamel, pulp consists of nerves and blood vessels in the center of the tooth, and cementum is a layer that covers the tooth root.
to protect the inner tooth, a protective coat
Yes, Trident Layers gum does contain xylitol as a sweetener. Xylitol is typically used in sugar-free gum to provide sweetness without contributing to tooth decay.
Why are there so many layers in the atmosphere
Best to get it checked by a dentist. If the tooth was bumped, it may have other damage you cannot see.Exposing different layers of the tooth can make it sensitive to temperature, or more prone to decay or tooth ache.For the child's social development, it might also be a good idea to get it fixed.
Sharks have 3 layers of teeth. the first row are the mature teeth, the ones they use. the second layer are not quite mature but if a tooth is lost it moves forward to take its place. the third row are growing teeth. when a second row tooth moves forward the third row tooth takes its place and anotherthird row tooth grows in the third row
how many tissue layers do the phylum arthropoda have
The Iron Tooth has 224 pages.
The Dragon's Tooth has 485 pages.