It doesn't matter what method you use -- snorting, smoking, injecting, swallowing. Using heroin, or any other opiate, every day for two weeks, or around-the-clock for just a few days, is enough to get you physically addicted.
a needle?
Heroin addiction is a chronic condition that can be managed successfully with treatment, but it is not always "cured" in the traditional sense. Many individuals can achieve long-term recovery with a combination of medications, therapy, and support. It is important for individuals struggling with heroin addiction to seek professional help and engage in a comprehensive treatment program.
i would like to know how suboxin works. How is the drug suboxin able to treat opiate and heroin addiction?
Because of the overwhelming compulsion of heroin addiction, heroin addicts usually wind up doing many things that they would not normally want to do, in order to obtain the expensive and illegal drug to which they are addicted. And this winds up driving them crazy.
Drug addiction would likely refer to an individual's struggle with a particular drug or drugs. A drug menace is when the problem sweeps a community or country (such as the current heroin epidemic).
No. Would you like people to be injecting Heroin and Smoking crack on the streets? Smoking is a DRUG ADDICTION, and far more difficult and than Heroin and certainly more damaging. SAY NO TO CIGARETTES.
Hmm. Perhaps if they love it so much that they would be able to trade one addiction for another....
Not physically you can not have physical withdrawls from marijauna but addiction mentallly is very common for every day "stoners."
Whether or not you need to stay overnight for drug addiction treatment would depend on where you are seeking treatment and what type of drug you are addicted to. If you are on heroin for example you would need to stay not just over night but a full 30 to possibly 90 days.
It all kind of depends on the addiction but with them all there are a few effects they all have in common. Some of them would be alienation, isolating, lying to hide the addiction, compulsiveness, among others but I am not an addiction counselor either. You must always remember addiction is the word and is what is being talked about. When people hear the word addiction they assume drugs but it can spread from something as innocent as sex to the hard core heroin, meth, cocaine or whatever user.
Naltrexone is used in heroin addition it doesn't block the craving but is does make it so you do not get high from the heroin. It would help by not letting you feel the effect of the drug which is why you take it so it should help reduce the dependency, This drug should not be confused with Naloxone which is only an emergency overdose reversal drug it is not used to treat addiction.
Because you will have to know what chemicals such as pills or injections would cause harm to a patient