8hours a day, 40hrs a week.
some people works 10-12hrs a day and it depends.
Assuming an average person is awake for 16 hours a day, and assuming that the average western lifespan is 75 years that equates to 657,000,000 blinks.
Pandas are awake for roughly 14 hours per day.
About 7 hours a day.
an avergage person sleeps about 8-11 hours
There is no set answer it varies from person to person and from situation to situation. Some variables include: time awake, amount of physical activity, stress of day, tranquility of dream and comfortability of sleeping position. A person can sleep forever (coma) or for only an hour, but on average, without being interrupted a person will sleep for 8-12 hours.
20 hours
On average, a person spends around 1 hour per day eating. This adds up to approximately 365 hours in a year.
That would vary to much from person to person to narrow down.
The average child warches 6 hours of television a day, the average person watches 3-5
The average American is usually around 5 hours of media including television and computers.
On average a person working in China spends 12 to 14 hours a day at work. That's about 60 to 70 hours working hours per week.
No more than 0.20 hours for a light-skinned person who does not use sunscreen or sunblock.