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I am a 53 yr. old woman who was just told 4 months ago by my physician (after a blood test) that my hormones were "all in the dump". She prescribed a combination of progesterone, estrogen, testosterone and DHEA to a compounding pharmacy- so that they could all be in the same capsule together and all natural. It saves from having to take or even pay for 4 more medications and if I buy a 90 day supply, it's $100.00. One 30 day prescription is about $47.00 here in Colorado. It took a few months to figure out with my doc which combinations worked best for me as she fine tuned the capsule, explaining what each of the hormones do and what role they play in the body. I am feeling much better with them. My physician also noted that it's important to take one day off a week because once the hormone receptors are too full it stops working as well.

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