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Q: How many germs do you have under your fingernails?
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Do fingernails have germs under them?

Yes, fingernails have germs under them.

What is under your fingernails?

Under your fingernail, you may have germs that can you make sick.

Do you have the most germs around fingernails?

You have the most in your mouth and in your colon.

Does your finger nail have germs?

Bacteria and debris can collect under your fingernails. That's why it's so important to make sure you clean your nails well.

Why are fingernails clear?

so that we don't eat the germs which we touch along with our food and get sick. and fingernails are made up of dead skin

Why do fingernails curl under?

fingernails shouls not curl under or it just depends on how you would like your nails

Which body part has more germs than bum?

The mouth typically harbors more germs than the bum because it is a warm, moist environment that is constantly exposed to food and drinks. Additionally, the mouth contains a diverse array of bacteria that help with digestion and oral health.

How many calories are in fingernails?

essentially none, fingernails are made of keratin, which could eventually be digested to yield some amino acids/ proteins. However, no nutritionist would recommend this as the adverse health effects of putting myriads of germs from under fingernails in your mouth and the damage to your tooth enamel (if your preferred method of harvesting is nail biting ) far outweigh this minuscule benefit. Also, I would imagine it tastes much worse than say prime rib.

How many colony forming units per square centimeter are typically found under the fingernails?


How many germs are in your fingernails?

We have between 2 and 10 million bacteria between our fingertips and elbows. wash your hands at least three time a day to eliminate those awful bacteria

Can humans get sick if they eat their own fingernails?

yes because there is dirt and germs under your nails which can make you sick Answer If you wash your hands, nails and all, particularly after using the bathroom, you should be okay. Your stomach has plenty of acids that will destroy normal bacteria.

Is 70 percent of dirt under your fingernails poo?

yes it is