There is no definite amount of freckles that one can have. Freckles can be natural or caused by excessive sun exposure.
Freckles may fade away but some freckles stay throughout adulthood. Being in the sun helps some people's freckles fade and others become worse. Freckles are an acceptable and natural part of some peoples faces.
No, you don't get freckles from sunburn, but for some people when they try to tan, they get freckles instead of a tan. So I hope I answered your question. ~Gigglybeth :)
Yes, black people do have freckles. Morgan Freeman is one movie actor that has freckles.
yes I'm Korean and i have freckles.
you can wear foundation but i think freckles are pretty and did you know that people with freckles are less likely to get zits
There are actually 2 types of freckles, Ephiledesand Lentigines. Ephilides is a genetic trait*, found in people with fair skin and red hair. Lentigines are formed after long years of exposure to the sun. Anybody who doesnt have freckles and are under the age of 19 either a) Doesn't go outside much or b) doesnt carry the genetic trait* *The genetic trait is the MC1-R gene, which is dominant
Yes. Sources- My face, other friends faces. Typically, though not always the case, African-Americans with freckles may have some white genes from red-headed people.
Freckles has 2 syllables. Freck-les.
of course he does. all people like girls with freckles.
nope that's just a saying im Irish and i don't have freckles my best friends Chinese and she has freckles
None. Stay out of the sun and they won't be as dark. There are some creams that are suppose to lighten them, but the ones I have used didn't do much. Be proud of them not all people have them. I know, I have freckles too.