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To be pedantic, you have four fingers and one thumb on each hand. Therefore, you have eight fingers (and two thumbs) all together.

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Q: How many fingers are in both hands?
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How many fingers are on 8 hands?

There are a total of 40 fingers on 8 hands.

How Many fingers does a doggie have?

dogs have paws with claws not hands with fingers

How may Iroquois did uncas say he had detected in the forest?

as many as the number of fingers on his two hands

How many fingers are behind my back?

Punchline 1: There are no fingers behind your back! Fingers are only at the ends of your hands, at the end of your arms.Punchline 2: There are 15 fingers behind you-- your parent's one hand slapping your bottom, while you try to cover your bottom with both of your hands! (Ow ow!)Punchline 3: There are no fingers behind your back because both of your hands are busy washing the dishes which your parent made you do as a consequence for whatever you did wrong.Punchline 4: There are no fingers behind your back because you are a parrot trained to set up this joke by repeating the first line and waiting for a human to tell the punchline!Punchline 5: There are no fingers behind your back because both hands are in front of you, clapping at the punchlines given to this joke!

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How many fingers does your toes have?

NONE! Why would you ask that?? Fingers are for your hands and toes are for your feet. I hope you learned something!!

How many fingers are there on 6 hands?

Never more than 30 .

Why are there so many small bones in hands and feet?

So your fingers can do many things

Does each player have to put both hands on a Ouija board?

No, just three fingers of the players' choice.

Are there arteries in all fingers?

Yes, there are arteries in all of the fingers. All of the arteries that run throughout the fingers branch off of one larger artery. The hands contain both superficial and deep arteries.

How is 2 plus 2?

hold 2 fingers up on one hand.... then hold 2 fingers up on the other ...... then count both hands togather and you get 4

Face but you can not see hands you have no fingers what are you?

i have a face but cannot see i have hands but no fingers on me. - An oogly LOL