

How many eggs in a women body?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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15y ago

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Certain amount of argument about this but traditional answer is 13 (50-12) or about 500.

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Q: How many eggs in a women body?
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Related questions

How many eggs does a women have in her body?

a woman has 1069 eggs in her body

Why does a woman's body go through menstruation?

A women starts to develop eggs in her body. Menstruation is basically the throwing out of those eggs. After your period, you shouldn't have any eggs in your body, or at least not many. That's why pregnant women don't have it, they're using their eggs for making a child. You eggs build up over the month until your next menstruation.

Where does women's sperm come from?

Women do not produce sperm ! Women produce eggs - which are developed in their ovaries !

Where in the female body are sperm released?

The female body does not release or have "sperm" - women have "eggs" that the mans sperm fertilizes to achieve conception.

How many babies can one women has?

She can have as many as she wants until her eggs run out.

How many sex cells does a woman produce a daily?

A woman typically releases one egg (ovum) per month during ovulation. The number of eggs produced daily varies, but it is generally one egg per menstrual cycle.

What did women do if they do not release sperm?

A women is not capable of releasing sperm. Women release eggs. Only a male (man) can release sperm from their body. When sperm and a fertilized egg combine, a baby is made.

Can my eggs ever grow back?

Women are born with a set number of eggs. However many eggs you currently have, will only decrease from here on out as you lose eggs each time you menstrate.

How many eggs are average women born with?

A female baby has perhaps a million eggs. By the time she is old enough to have her own babies, she might have about 400 thousand eggs.

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How many babies can a human?

Men are built to where their sperm will always reproduce so they can keep going. A women is only able to produce so many eggs until her body cant anymore. A women will usually go through this after being fertile for about 50 years so as many kids you can fit into 50 years. (:

Where do body lice lay their eggs?

Body lice lay their eggs in the seams and folds of clothing, rather than directly on the body. The eggs hatch into nymphs which then feed on the host's blood and return to the clothing to lay their own eggs. Regular washing of clothes and bedding is essential to prevent body lice infestations.