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you get what your born with and that's it.

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Q: How many eggs does female have in her lifetime?
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How many eggs can a female ladybug have in its life?

More than 1000 in its lifetime!

How many babies can a female penguin have i n a lifetime?

Penguins - like all birds - don't have babies, they lay eggs.

How many eggs does a normal ovary produce?

A woman will have about 400 eggs in her lifetime.

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About how many eggs does a female crab produce

How many eggs does a sea turtle lay in its lifetime?

In it's whole lifetime the average Turtle will lay an estimated 1,800.

How many eggs do butterflies lay?

The number of eggs a butterfly lays can vary greatly depending on the species. Some butterflies lay only a few dozen eggs, while others can lay hundreds.

What is the difference between snake eggs and duck eggs?

Welll... a female duck only lays 3-8 eggs in its lifetime, but a snake can eggs whenevr it wants

How many times do sea turtles lay eggs in a lifetime?


Do big cockroach lay eggs?

No. Only female cockroaches lay eggs. There is no male insect of any kind which lays the eggs. A female cockroach will lay anywhere between 10 and 40 eggs in a batch, and a total of around 30 batches of eggs during her lifetime.

Do millepedes lay eggs If so is it the male or the female who lays the eggs How many eggs do they lay at once?

Female millipedes may lay as many as 2,000 eggs, but a few hundred is more likely. THE FEMALE. the only animal that the male lays the eggs (which isn't entirely true because the female makes the egs then GIVES the eggs to the male) is the seahorse.

How many eggs would a battery chicken lay in its lifetime?

Chickens in Battery farms are bred to lay many eggs during their lifetime. 250 to 300 per year and they are kept for two years. Expect about 600 eggs from a battery or factory farm chicken.