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A human can detect around 10,000 smells.
A person's ability to differentiate between artificial and real smells can vary depending on their sense of smell and their exposure to different scents. Some people may be more sensitive and able to distinguish between artificial and real smells, while others may not notice a significant difference. Training and experience in recognizing different scents can also play a role in a person's ability to make this distinction.
It was thought that humans could distinguish about 10,000 smells. Recent research puts the figure nearer to 1 trillion
There are about 110,000 different smells in nature.
A human nose can smell a trillion different smells. There are even more than 10,000 odorants that a person can differentiate also.
The cues that are used to distinguish between smells include their molecular structure, volatility, intensity, and interactions with olfactory receptors in the nose. Each smell activates a specific set of receptors, which send signals to the brain for interpretation. The brain then processes these signals to differentiate between the two distinct smells.
Our sense of smell is due to specialized cells in our nose that can detect different odor molecules. These cells send signals to the brain, which then interprets them as specific smells based on past experiences and memories. This allows us to distinguish between various scents like food, flowers, or even danger signals like smoke.
about 10,000 different smells. i hope this helped
The hypothesis is that people can distinguish between artificial smells and real ones based on differences in their chemical composition and perceived authenticity.
As a "trained" nose, I would have to say, the average person cannot. However, people have different awareness levels of smell, and some people may be better at it than others. A trained "nose" can tell the difference between artificial and real smells.There is also a machine, that, (like a machine that can read color and what is in it) can read smells or fragrances and give you a print out of the makeup.
Over 10,000 different smells and identify them.
A person can wake up from smells. For example, a person with a sensitive nose might wake up in the morning from the great smell of coffee.