387 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to 197.2 degrees Celsius.
The highest recorded temperature on the moon is around 253 degrees Fahrenheit (123 degrees Celsius) in direct sunlight at the equator, while in the shadows, temperatures can drop drastically to around -387 degrees Fahrenheit (-233 degrees Celsius).
Temperatures on Pluto can range from -369 degrees Fahrenheit to -387 degrees Fahrenheit.
The temperature on the moon varies from -233 Celsius (-387 Fahrenheit) at night to 123 Celsius (253 Fahrenheit) during the day. Because the moon has no atmosphere to block some of the sun's rays or to help trap heat, its temperature varies greatly between day and night.
During the day, temperatures on the moon can reach up to 253 degrees Fahrenheit (123 degrees Celsius), while at night it can drop to -387 degrees Fahrenheit (-233 degrees Celsius). These extreme temperature variations make it difficult for humans to survive without proper protection.
The temperature on Pluto is about as cold as physically possible. The planet receives almost no heat from the Sun, so most of its atmosphere is perpetually frozen. It also has no discernible internal heat. Scientists using the Submillimeter Array have discovered that Pluto's maximum temperature is about 43 K (−230 °C), 10 K colder than expected.
The coldest temperature recorded on the moon is around -378 degrees Fahrenheit (-228 degrees Celsius). This temperature is typically found in permanently shadowed regions near the poles of the moon where sunlight never reaches.
Pluto's temperature varies, depending on its distance from the sun. This is because its orbit is highly elliptical. Temperature can drop to about -250 celsius. However, the average temperature is about -378 F. to -396 F.
The temperature on the moon varies from -387 Fahrenheit (-233 Celsius), at night, to 253 Fahrenheit (123 Ce The temperature on the moon varies from -387 Fahrenheit (-233 Celsius), at night, to 253 Fahrenheit (123 Celsius) during the day. Because the moon has no atmosphere to block some of the sun's rays or to help trap heat at night, its temperature varies greatly between day and night. lsius) during the day. Because the moon has no atmosphere to block some of the sun's rays or to help trap heat at night, its temperature varies greatly between day and night.
•The surface of Pluto can range from a low temperature of 33 Kelvin (-400 degrees Fahrenheit) and a high temperature of 55 Kelvin (-360 degrees Fahrenheit). The average surface temperature on Pluto is 44 Kelvin ( -380 Fahrenheit.
2009 - 387 = 1622
387 ÷ 9 = 43